Sunday, 26 November 2023

OK, now we have an Impact Factor... a revolution is necessary!


In June 2023, FIS obtained an IF! 

This great result was possible only thanks to the Section Editors time, to the Editorial boards members help, to the reviewers efforts and, last but not least, to the authors who considered FIS as a good platform to publish their papers! … A value of 1.4 is not exceptional, but, considering that the journal is completely based on the volunteers’ time and that any APC are requested, this value is not terrible! 

In the last years, the number of submissions to FIS dramatically increased. Considering 81 submissions in the July-November 2020 period (the pandemic crisis year), we had 166, 282, 252 submissions in the same periods of the years 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively. Although we have a high rejection rate (higher than 90%), this huge number of submissions forced us to modify the structure of the journal. 

Some weeks ago, we renewed the list of Thematic Sections, trying to offer to the authors a more complete and “equilibrated” choice:

1) Analytical, computational and physical Models

2) Damage mechanics

3) Environmentally assisted fracture

4) Failure Analysis and Forensic Engineering

5) Fatigue and Fracture of metallic alloys

6) Fatigue and Fracture of non-metallic materials

7) Integrity of materials and structures

This implied a renewal both of the Section Editors team and of the Editorial Board.  

In addition, we are working on the papers structure. Starting from the next section (January 2024), the authors will be asked to prepare their visual abstract according to a template. This visual abstract will be directly available in the pdf and in the browsable version of the paper, while the written version of the abstract will be always available on the website page of each paper. The first VAs prepared according to the new template are already available on the YouTube channel dedicated to Visual Abstracts.

This is, maybe, the most important “revolution” of our journal of the last years. 

If you have any suggestions to further improve the journal, please, do not hesitate to post your suggestions in the comments or, privately, using the dedicated form.