Sunday, 26 November 2023

OK, now we have an Impact Factor... a revolution is necessary!


In June 2023, FIS obtained an IF! 

This great result was possible only thanks to the Section Editors time, to the Editorial boards members help, to the reviewers efforts and, last but not least, to the authors who considered FIS as a good platform to publish their papers! … A value of 1.4 is not exceptional, but, considering that the journal is completely based on the volunteers’ time and that any APC are requested, this value is not terrible! 

In the last years, the number of submissions to FIS dramatically increased. Considering 81 submissions in the July-November 2020 period (the pandemic crisis year), we had 166, 282, 252 submissions in the same periods of the years 2021, 2022, and 2023 respectively. Although we have a high rejection rate (higher than 90%), this huge number of submissions forced us to modify the structure of the journal. 

Some weeks ago, we renewed the list of Thematic Sections, trying to offer to the authors a more complete and “equilibrated” choice:

1) Analytical, computational and physical Models

2) Damage mechanics

3) Environmentally assisted fracture

4) Failure Analysis and Forensic Engineering

5) Fatigue and Fracture of metallic alloys

6) Fatigue and Fracture of non-metallic materials

7) Integrity of materials and structures

This implied a renewal both of the Section Editors team and of the Editorial Board.  

In addition, we are working on the papers structure. Starting from the next section (January 2024), the authors will be asked to prepare their visual abstract according to a template. This visual abstract will be directly available in the pdf and in the browsable version of the paper, while the written version of the abstract will be always available on the website page of each paper. The first VAs prepared according to the new template are already available on the YouTube channel dedicated to Visual Abstracts.

This is, maybe, the most important “revolution” of our journal of the last years. 

If you have any suggestions to further improve the journal, please, do not hesitate to post your suggestions in the comments or, privately, using the dedicated form.

Sunday, 30 April 2023

Do you enjoy social media?

Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Telegram … both Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF) and Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (FIS) are active on all these social media. They are mainly used to spread news and info about the IGF activities (the organization of events, for example) and to inform our community about the papers publication on the IGF journal. 
Analyzing the IGF social media, here you find some more details:
  • Facebook (IGF): it is used to spread the info about the events organized by IGF, the publication of issues on Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale or on Procedia Structural Integrity, or, even, the organization of events that could be of interest for the IGF community. Sometimes, the IGF Facebook page is used to stream live the events organized by IGF. This page is also used to collect the pictures of the events organized by IGF,
  • Facebook (FIS): it is dedicated to spread the info about the publication of papers on FIS, the publication of issues or, even, the activation of new services. 
  • YouTube (IGF): this channel is active since 2011 and it is used to publish the presentations that were held during the IGF events (since IGF19, Milan 2007). More than 1300 videos are available, with more than 650 subscribers. The IGF YouTube channel is also used to stream live the events organized by IGF.
  • YouTube (FIS): this channel is active since 2018 and it is used to publish Visual abstracts. Since July 2018, all the papers published in FIS are connected to Visual Abstracts, trying to offer a quick view of the paper content. 
  • LinkedIn & Twitter: the activity on these platforms is similar to the Facebook (IGF) page.
  • Telegram: It is mainly used to publish news about the IGF activities and FIS publications.
Do you have any suggestions to improve our social media activity?
We are now thinking about the possibility to activate a podcast platform ... do you think it will be useful for our community? 
In case of a positive answer, do you think that this platform will have to be focused on the IGF journal (publishing "audio abstracts", for example) or will have to publish interviews or podcasts on topics of interest for our community? 
Please, share your thoughts about it. Any suggestions will be welcome!

Friday, 27 January 2023

Help us to improve the journal!


Many high-quality journals focused on the same FIS topics are already published by many professional publishers. Since the first issue, it was clear that Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale (FIS) couldn't be simply an additional journal offered to our community. It was necessary that it should offer something different. 
First of all, IGF decided to organize FIS as a Diamond Open Access journal, without APC and completely free for the readers. Obviously, also the Open Access has a cost (we recently published a post on this topic), but the number of participants to the next IGF27 (February 22-24, 2023) demonstrated that our community understood and appreciated the approach we are following!
Then, in the years, we started offering some different services. Among them, we can recall:
- we adopt OJS, Open Journal System in order to handle the submission, reviewing, publishing and distributing processes;
- papers are published according to the CC-BY 4.0 license; Authors are allowed to retain both the copyright and the publishing rights of their articles without restrictions; each paper has its own DOI (Digital Object Identifier); 
- the Authors have the possibility to embed videos, animations and audio files in their papers;
- all the issue are published also in a browsable version (LINK);
- all the papers are immediately published after acceptance in the "Online first" section;
- we offer the possibility to comment the papers;
- all the papers are organized in "Categories", allowing to the Readers to immediately find the papers focused on many different topics;
since issue 45, July 2018, Visual Abstracts for all the published papers are published in a dedicated YouTube channel (LINK), improving the papers visibility;
- the publication of this Blog.
... and many other minor services!
Thanks to the quality of the published papers, and to the help of many friends as reviewers or editors, we obtained the journal indexing in many databases like Scopus, WoS etc... and we increased our usefulness for our community... and this is more important!
Now, we are asking you to help us to further improve the journal and its usefulness for our community. 
Please, if you have an idea for a new service to be implemented, for something that you think could be useful, please, do not hesitate to share your thoughts by posting your comment to this post! Ciao!

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Issue 63 (January 2023): visual abstracts


We started publishing the Visual Abstracts for all the papers published in Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale in July 2018. After 18 issues and 52465 views, the statistics confirm the usefulness of the Visual Abstracts YouTube channel  in supporting the papers visibility. Please, share with us your thoughts and your suggestions to further improve the usefulness of this channel! 
Here you find the visual abstracts of the issue 63 (January 2023).